Saturday, November 14, 2009

Sonic & Horton Hears a Who Make it all Better

Yesterday the weather was amazing!!!! The sun was shining, there was a light was Texas at it's finest.

Sam decided to go outside and play a little football. Nothing could make us happier, so to the backyard he went.

About 30 minutes later I heard a piercing scream, which I just KNEW meant we would be taking a trip to the hospital.

Erik got to Sam first. Sam quickly explained that he had been running with the football, tripped and fell head-first into the brick retaining wall that is behind our house. From the looks of it he "caught" himself with his eye.

Poor baby! (By the way...the picture doesn't do it justice)It took all of 5 seconds for me to decide that we were heading to urgent care. His eye immediately began to swell and I immediately began to panic. As we drove there we called Jenn, our pediatrician's wife, who helped calm me down. From talking to her and being reassured that we would be getting a call from the doctor shortly we decided that a treat from Sonic was more in order.

The doctor called a little later to check on Sam. His head hurt most of the night...but with the help of tylenol, an ice pack and "Horton Hears a Who" we were able to keep it under control.

His eye looks pretty nasty this morning, but I'm so thankful because it could have been so much worse!

So, we are past the very first football injury. Any chance that will be the last????


  1. so sorry for Sam's ouie! But so thankful you are blogging again. I love checking in here to get a little Glenda story or inspiration. Picture of the house please?

  2. Poor guy! I don't know, Glenda, Texas football is way different than anywhere else. This is just getting him ready for it! Hope he's feeling lots better now.
